Eiffel Tower

Her Highness or Her Majesty – this landmark should only be addressed as such, for she is the queen among others, she is the Eiffel Tower. A symbol that people all over the world have known since childhood, one that stirs the dreams of thousands and thousands of romantics. However, there are those who are not very fond of the European beauty.
For example, Guy de Maupassant expressed his dislike for the construction. An interesting fact is that every day he had lunch inside the tower, explaining that this is the only place in Paris, where it is not visible.
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. According to the architects’ idea, it was a temporary structure for an exhibition (commemorating the centennial of the French Revolution) that would later “disappear,” but fate had other plans for it. The event was over, but the metal object remained – the tower was found useful by installing radio antennas on it.
The structure was named after the designer Gustave Eiffel, who, incidentally, did not initially give his brainchild any name. In his conversations it appeared under the pseudonym “three-hundred-meter tower”. In fact, the idea for such a landmark belonged to 2 of Gustave’s employees, Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nougier.
The building “grew” in the middle of Paris in the shortest possible time – two years, two months and five days. About three hundred workers worked on its creation. From the beginning most townspeople blamed the tower for its absurdity, but as they say “be with each other – get with each other”.
The building’s height of 300.65 meters for 40 years was the highest in the world, but in 1930 the Chrysler Building was built in New York. At the moment the height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters.
The landmark, like a French coquette, has changed its “hair color” several times. It had time to be yellow and even red-brown, but now it is traditionally painted in “brown-Eiffel” – the color is officially patented. Every seven years the paint is renewed, which takes about 60 tons.
The tower offers a magnificent view of Paris, so every tourist should a priori visit inside. For convenience, there are several elevators, which, by the way, appeared here in 1899. Those whose fitness allows, can “stretch” on foot – about 1800 steps lead to the “top”.
Illumination of the Eiffel Tower
Since 2000, the Eiffel Tower is illuminated by golden lights. It is true that sometimes there are some changes. For example, in honor of the French presidency of the European Union, it was illuminated in blue, and in solidarity with women fighting breast cancer, it was illuminated in pink.
The Iron Lady’s main illumination comes on at the beginning of darkness. But every hour (from 9 p.m. in winter, from 10 p.m. in summer) additional twinkling lights come on. Such a performance lasts three minutes. The last time the lights come on is at 1:00.
What awaits you at the Eiffel Tower?
If you are going to the Eiffel Tower for the first time, prepare to be surprised by its size. In the photo it looks elegant, but on closer inspection it is very large. So on each floor of the tower you will have something to see and do, it takes not 15 minutes to look around.
There are stores for all kinds of souvenirs in the shape or image of the tower and snack bars on the square under the tower, on the ground floor and on the second floor.
Floor 1.
The first level of the tower has the most space. There is a spacious outdoor terrace with several snack bars. You can buy drinks, ice cream, pasta, burgers and other snacks, sit down at a table and grab a bite to eat while enjoying the light flying structure of the tower.
There is also a historical exhibit on this floor with photos, diagrams and interactive touch panels that detail the history and specifications of the tower.
There is a large conference room on the 1st floor that shows a panoramic film about the tower. A small fragment of the spiral staircase by which Gustave Eiffel climbed to his office on the third level has also been preserved.
The famous “58” restaurant was also located here. In 2022 it was renamed the Brasserie Madame. Tables in this place need to be booked in advance; a separate elevator takes guests from the square below the tower without any queues.
2nd floor
The second floor also has a buffet, souvenir stores, spyglasses and the Jules Verne restaurant. This restaurant has earned 3 Michelin stars. This is an additional reason besides the fantastic view of the city, why it is necessary to book a table here in advance.
It is widely known saying of Guy de Maupassant, who dined on the tower so as not to see it. And you can do the opposite and choose a restaurant with a view of the Eiffel Tower.
3rd floor
At the top of the tower is the office of its chief designer. It has been carefully restored, and instead of the owner himself, it is inhabited by his wax double. You can look at the model of the top of the Eiffel Tower in detail in a scale of 1:50.
At the height of 276 meters one can not hear the noise of the city, and the endless panorama creates a romantic mood. For this occasion on the 3rd floor there is a small bar where you can get a glass of champagne to remember this moment forever.
The cost of wine starts from 12 euros for a simple sparkling wine, up to 22 euros for a pink champagne in a colored glass (100ml glass). You can drink homemade lemonade.
While enjoying wine, pay attention to the signs of the different sides of the world. You can find your city and look in its direction.